Ode to the Mommas: Mother’s Day 2021

Happy Mother's Day! Best wishes from Teamson

With Mother’s Day on the calendar and celebrations in order, it is important to remember that the love, appreciation and awe that we have for all of the mommas out there is abundant on every day of the year. 


At Teamson, we believe that the word mom doesn’t quite capture all that mother’s truly are…


...or all that they can be. 


Being a mom is more than having children. By definition, this may be true, but when you dive into the nitty gritty of all things motherhood, you realize that being a mom is so much more. 


In fact, It is everything.  


This Mother’s Day, we want to take the time to diversify what it means to be a mom. At the end of the day, motherhood is not one-size-fits-all. No matter how you fit into the momma equation, Teamson celebrates you

 This one goes out to the glorious mothers and all that they do. You are so appreciated. 


New Moms 

To the new moms who cradle their babies in the brisk of the night and who dance around dirty diapers and not so peaceful cries, we see you. Being a new mom is both challenging and rewarding, and may throw you for a loop more times than you count. This new journey is a beautiful one. Embrace every single moment. 


Moms of Many 

To the mommas who juggle two little ones or more, you have our attention! From multitasking and multiple school drop offs to different dinner requests and bedtimes, you are a master. Your ability to balance the million things on your plate is inspiring. We hope the struggles are met by smiles and that you pour as much love into your self-care as you do into your children. We know this is a challenge, but you deserve it. 


Single Moms

Our praises go out to all of the single moms out there. You make it look all too easy. As the primary caregiver to your little ones, you are a shining star that shall never be underestimated. You are a warrior and a wonderment. 

When you are doing the work of two, we know it can be challenging to take time for yourself. Tap into your support system and make moments for you. Your commitment, hard work and ongoing compassion do not go unnoticed.  

Working Moms 

To the mommas who work, you are the real rockstars. Exemplary of modern day motherhood, your dual-identity as a mother and a working woman is celebrated. No matter the reason you double as a parent and a professional, remember that your time and energy are so valued - by your family, friends, colleagues… and of course, by all of us at Teamson. 


Stay at Home Moms 

If your full-time job is that of being a mother to your children, the patience and perseverance you showcase daily is revered by parents everywhere. Staying home with your little ones is a job like any other. Those extra moments you get to spend with your kids will forever be cherished by those you support. 


Adopted, Foster & Step Moms  

Motherhood is not defined by blood! To all of the adopted parents, step parents and foster parents out there, you deserve a special round of applause. You have welcomed motherhood and created bonds as all mothers do. You may experience unique challenges, but we hope that these moments are matched with unique rewards. We celebrate all that you are and all that you do


Empty Nesters 

Just because your children are no longer living at home does not make you any less of a mother! To all of the mommas that are empty nesters… you did it! The babies may not be babies any longer, but they are where they are because of you. Don’t hesitate to bask in the calm after the storm. 


Expecting & Aspiring Mothers 

To the expecting mothers and those who one day will step into motherhood, get ready for a wave of adventure. If you are called to being a momma, whether this is months down the road or years ahead, the journey welcomes you. Motherhood does not discriminate! In the meantime, be sure to celebrate your mom and all of the mothers who have left an impact on you.